Image and Image. An Investigation into Intericonic Processes.

C Reymond

Visual Communication and Iconic Research, University of Applied Sciences and Arts FHNW, Switzerland

The process of pictorial perception is the content of many studies. However the contextual influence on images has not been deeply explored yet. This work examines the context-specificity and its impact on the perceived meaning of a picture and intends to answer two main questions: Does the interpretation of an image change when perceiving a single image compared to a paired picture? How can the types of connection between two images be differentiated? In systematic practical experiments square-cut chromatic photographs of identical size were put together in pairs. Through the variation of the pairs, in which one image remained constant and the other was replaced, it became evident that several forms of linkage can be distinguished: connections based on formal similarities of the portrayed objects, connections that bore witness to a more metaphorical quality, linkage by way of an emotion-transfer from one image on the other, and pairs developing a ‘third image’ revealing characteristics of both original pictures. The different ways of image connections and their impact on the pictorial meaning were tested on ten participants. The results confirmed distinguishable connection types and showed a clear influence on image meaning depending on the single vs. the paired view.

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