Poster (P25): Visual Search

Wednesday 28 August 2013, 11:00-12:30 & 16:00-17:30, Foyer & Salons

145 Biased visual search in a homogenous background
C Paeye, A Schütz, K R Gegenfurtner
146 Comparison between a global and a limited sampling strategy in size-averaging a set of items
M Tokita, A Ishiguchi
147 Attentional shifts during visual search are accessible to introspection
G Reyes, J Sackur
148 Neural bottlenecks in concurrent multi-item visual search
J Peters, J Reithler, R Goebel, P Roelfsema
149 Does gaze-contingent limited view modify spatial contextual cueing in visual search?
X Zang, L Jia, H J Müller, Z Shi
150 Does chemotherapy lead to a visual search deficit?
T Horowitz
151 Proportion estimation among subsets of features and conjunctions
M Bulatova, I Utochkin
152 Attentive Pop-Out: Spatial Asymmetries in a Visual Search Task
A Albonico, M Malaspina, E Bricolo, M Martelli, R Daini
153 Attention and memory resolution in hierarchical search: Behavioral and diffusion model evidence
Q-Y Nie, H J Müller, M Conci
154 Feature search in 2½D subjective surfaces: is it pre-attentive?
M Wagner, L Nozyk
155 Hemispheric specialisation when searching in real-world scenes: an eye-movement approach
S Spotorno, R Y Smith, B Tatler
156 Limitation of search strategies inside the dead zone of attention
Y Stakina, I Utochkin
157 Beta-band rTMS of the human attention network selectively modulates goal-driven, but not stimulus-driven search
I Dombrowe, C C Hilgetag
158 Planning Search for Multiple Targets using the iPad
Y Tsui, T Horowitz, I M Thornton
159 The time-course of visual masking effects on saccadic responses indicates that masking interferes with reentrant processing
S Crouzet, S Hviid Del Pin, M Overgaard, N Busch
160 Eye movements change according to peripheral information
I Timrote, A Reinvalde, M Zirdzina, T Pladere, G Krumina
161 Comparison of human and monkey eye-movement behavior under free viewing conditions
N Wilming, M L Jutras, P König, E A Buffalo

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