Poster (P21): Crowding

Wednesday 28 August 2013, 11:00-12:30 & 16:00-17:30, Foyer & Salons

66 Attentional priming releases crowding
A Kristjansson, P Heimisson, G F Robertsson, D Whitney
67 Size of inhibitory areas in crowding effect in peripheral vision
V Chikhman, V Bondarko, M Danilova, S Solnushkin
68 Peripheral object recognition in natural images: Effect of window size
M W Wijntjes, R Rosenholtz
69 Eye-tracking shows that target flanker similarity effects both recognition and localization performance in crowding
F Yildirim, V Meyer, F Cornelissen
70 The role of disparity information in alleviating visual crowding
A Astle, D McGovern, P McGraw
71 Crowding by a single bar
E Poder
72 Reverse asymmetry for whole-letter confusions in crowding
H Strasburger, M Malania
73 Lesser crowding of horizontal letter strings extends beyond parafovea
D Vejnovic, S Zdravkovic
74 Brain potentials reflect semantic processing of crowded words
J Zhou, C-L Lee, S-L Yeh
75 Electrophysiological correlates of suppression and facilitation in crowding
V Chicherov, M Herzog

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