Eye Movement Patterns in Memorizing Foreign Words

A Mayornikova, I Blinnikova

Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation
Contact: mayoran@mail.ru

As it was demonstrated by Višnja Pavicic Takac [2008, Vocabulary learning strategies and foreign language acquisition, New York: Multilingual Matters], people use different strategies to memorize foreign words, which vary in correctness of reproduction. This report examines strategies of memorizing unfamiliar words of foreign language, which can be revealed through patterns of eye movements. Words of a foreign language and their translation (one pair at a time) were visually presented to the subjects, who later had to reproduce these words. Parameters of eye movements were registered from the moment a testee started looking at the screen. The correctness of word reproduction was also counted up. With the help of cluster analysis (based on the number of fixations on the words of the native language and on the quantity of regressive eye-movements) groups with different eye movement patterns were identified, which proved to have distinctions in correctness of reproduction (F(1, 101) = 4,05, p=0,047). In this case, the more the duration and the number of fixations was on the words of the native language, the better was memorizing. The received data can be used in design of textbooks on foreign languages.

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