On Interactions Between Vision and Language

M Spivey

Cognitive and Information Sciences, University of California, Merced, CA, United States
Contact: spivey@ucmerced.edu

A number of studies have been showing that visual input can influence linguistic processing in real time. This tells us that the visual system can sometimes tell the language system what to do. Additional studies have been finding that linguistic input can influence visual processing in real time as well. Thus, it appears that the language system can sometimes tell the visual system what to do. The evidence points to an interactive (and decidedly non-modular) account for how perceptual and cognitive subsystems process their information. While it is clearly the case that there are brain areas that are mostly specialized for certain perceptual modalities, it is also the case that those specialized brain areas are able to process some information from outside of their specialized domain. With multiple heterogeneous perceptual subsystems sharing information back and forth in cascade, it may be that a dynamical systems approach to cognition in general, and to visual perception in particular, is required.

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