Reconciling multiplicative physiological noise and additive psychophysical noise

K May, J Solomon

Division of Optometry and Visual Science, City University London, United Kingdom

In many psychophysical models of contrast discrimination, the contrast signal undergoes nonlinear transduction, and corruption with additive (i.e., stimulus-invariant) Gaussian noise. But physiological noise is often found to be multiplicative (variance proportional to response). A simple Bayesian decoding model of spiking neurons accommodates both findings, showing Poisson-based multiplicative noise at the physiological level, but additive Gaussian noise at the psychophysical level. If the model neurons' contrast-response functions are evenly spaced along the log-contrast axis, the decoded log-contrast has a stimulus-invariant, approximately Gaussian, distribution. At the psychophysical level, this model is equivalent to a log transducer with stimulus-invariant Gaussian noise. A slight manipulation of the neurons' pattern of spacing along the contrast axis makes the model behave much like a Legge-Foley transducer with stimulus-invariant noise. But is the noise on the model's internal signal really stimulus-invariant? It depends on the (arbitrary) choice of units in which we express the model's decoded contrast. We suggest that the transducer in some psychophysical models is just a transform of the stimulus contrast that allows us to express the internal signal in units such that the noise is stimulus-invariant. In this case, the argument that the noise is stimulus-invariant at the psychophysical level is circular.

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