Reference-Frame Metric Field (RFMF) Theory of Non-retinotopic Visual Perception

H Ogmen1, M Herzog2, B Noory1

1Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Houston, TX, United States
2Laboratory of Psychophysics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland


Retinotopic representations are insufficient in explaining perception under normal viewing conditions. While recent studies showed that processes such as shape, color, motion, search, attention, and perceptual learning take place in non-retinotopic representations, the bases of these non-retinotopic representations remain largely unknown. Here, we propose a Reference-Frame Metric Field (RFMF) theory which articulates how the coordinate systems (reference frames) and the metric of non-retinotopic representations are dynamically established through field interactions. According to the RFMF theory, motion groupings in the retinotopic space generate local motion vectors with an associated reference-frame field spreading in space. Field interactions determine the global organization of how different reference frames are associated with different regions in the perceptual space. Each region in the resulting field is mapped onto a non-retinotopic representation with a spacetime metric established according to a non-Galilean transform. We will present recent results based on Ternus-Pikler, induced motion, and anorthoscopic perception paradigms to illustrate these concepts and to test the predictions of the theory.

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