Global Pooling of Transformational Apparent Motion

M Tang1, T Visser1, M Edwards2, D Badcock1

1School of Psychology, University of Western Australia, Australia
2Research School of Psychology, Australian National University, Australia


Transformational apparent motion (TAM) is a visual phenomenon highlighting the utility of form information in motion processing. In TAM, smooth apparent motion is perceived when shapes in certain spatiotemporal arrangements change. It has been argued that TAM relies on a separate high-level form-motion system, as certain spatial arrangements of TAM violate low-level motion energy models of vision. As yet, however, few studies have examined how TAM relates to the previously described motion system. We report a series of experiments showing that like, conventional motion stimuli, multiple TAM signals can combine into a global motion percept. After controlling for motion energy, we show that TAM appears to pool using a separate motion system than the motion energy system, that has less tolerance to noise. This system is relatively weak and is easily overridden when motion energy cues are sufficiently strong. We conclude the ability to holistically integrate multiple TAM signals demonstrates this high-level form-motion information enters the motion system by at least the stage of global motion pooling.

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