Visual-motor reaction to 3D motion: binocular parallax VS motion parallax

O Levashov

Department of brain research, Research Centre of Neurology RAMS, Russian Federation

To measure visual-motor reaction (VMR) to 3D motion we used an experimental set which was consisted of slopped tray, two sensors and electronic timer. In the 1st experiment we estimated a “power” of motion parallax (MP).The task of a subject (S) was to trace visually the metallic ball moving from the left to the right along the tray towards the “finish gate” and to stop the timer when the ball passed through the gate. In front of the gate the velocity of the ball was 0.5 m/s. We measured the time delay of VMR. In the 2nd experiment we estimated a “power” of binocular parallax (BP). In this conditions S looked along line of stimulus motion while St moved towards his eyes. Thus only BP could be used to determine the moment of the ball “finishing”. 12 Ss were participated. 10 Ss showed the clear superiority of MP. Results of 2 Ss were not significant. We conclude that MP is more effective tool in motion perception than BP.

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