Distortion of auditory space during linear vection

W Teramoto1, Z Cui2, K Moishi1, S Sakamoto2, Y-I Suzuki2, J Gyoba2

1Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
2Tohoku University, Japan

Contact: teramoto@csse.muroran-it.ac.jp

Self-motion perception relies on integration of multiple sensory cues, especially from the vestibular and visual systems. Our previous study demonstrated that vestibular information on linear self-motion distorted auditory space perception [Teramoto et al., 2012, PLoS ONE, 7(6): e39402]. Here, in order to elucidate whether this phenomenon is contingent only on vestibular information, we investigated the effects of visual self-motion information on auditory space perception. In experiments, large-field visual motion was presented on a screen so that participants experienced either forward or backward self-acceleration (linear vection). In the meantime, a short noise burst was presented from one of the loudspeakers that were aligned parallel to the illusory self-motion direction along a wall to the left of the participants. The participants indicated in which direction the noise burst was presented, forward or backward relative to their subjective coronal plane. Results showed that the sound position aligned with the subjective coronal plane was displaced in the traveling direction for self-acceleration conditions, when comparing with that for a no-motion condition. These results suggest that self-motion information, irrespective of its origin, is crucial for this distortion of auditory space perception.

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