Assessment of individual psychological characteristics based on perception of photographic image of human face with the use of SensoMotoric Instruments

L Khrisanfova

Social Sciences Faculty, Psychology Unit, Lobachevsky State University, Russian Federation

The purpose of this research is to study perception of normal and morphed faces. The aspects explored are psychological characteristics which were attributed to each face by subjects of the experiment. These characteristics include activity, tenseness and sociability. To achieve thorough understanding of the main factors which influence perception of human face we registered ocular motor activity of all the subjects during the experiment. Each picture was exhibited during two seconds. After the first part of the research was conducted we discovered independence of personality appraisal from the fixation patterns under current experimental conditions. Visual survey paths were proved to be generally uninfluenced by facial structure while connection between assessment of personal characteristics and facial feature structure was revealed. The former may be accounted for either by the fact that triangle “left eye-right eye-nose (mouth)” contains traits on which assessment is based or by the “peripheral vision” effect. Thus, the role of this effect in the process of facial perception may be significant and is to be discussed in the current research.

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