High-reality space composition using stably-positioned imaging and acoustic wave field synthesis

H Takada, M Date, S Koyama, S Ozawa, S Mieda, A Kojima

NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan
Contact: takada.hideaki@lab.ntt.co.jp

We propose a natural communication concept produced by high-reality space composition made by using the high fidelity position representation induced by a stably-positioned imaging technology and acoustic wave field synthesis technology. It provides natural and comfortable communication by reproducing the distance and position of an image and sound without inconsistency. Stably-positioned imaging technology is supported by two technologies. One provides a natural sense of distance and positional relations by considering the observer’s perspective. The other is multi-view point images applying the parallax perception from our depth-fused 3D (DFD) visual perception [1]. We have also made it possible to record and reproduce an acoustic space in real time by applying our new algorithm [2] for physically reconstructing acoustic waves to large scale microphone and loudspeaker arrays. We used these technologies to develop a high-reality space composition system and used it to obtain results for perceived relationships between image and sound. These results will lead to achieving a synergistic effect of image and sound that can be applied to high-reality communication systems. [1] H. Takada et al, 2006, Perception, 29 ECVP, 31. [2] S. Koyama et al., 2013, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang., Process., 21(4), 685-696.

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