The influence of salience-driven and goal-driven influences in overt visual selection

M Donk

Dept. of Cognitive Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

Overt visual selection can be affected by the relative salience of individual objects in the visual field and by goal-driven influences. The present contribution aims to provide an overview of research performed in our lab showing (a) a major role of salience in early oculomotor selection and (b) a dominant role of goal-driven influences later on. These results suggest that the salience representation is present rapidly after the presentation of a display but vanishes with passing time. After some time, the representation may only include information about where salient objects are in a background, lacking all information concerning how salient those objects are. Salience in this sense might be perceived as a wheelbarrow to segregate objects from the background, providing the basis for subsequent goal-driven selection.

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