The spatial summation characteristics of three categories of V1 neurons differing in non-classical receptive field modulation properties

C Ke1, C-Y Li2, X-Z Xu2

1University of Electronic Science and Technology, China
2Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


The spatial summation of excitation and inhibition determines the final output of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) of the cat. To characterize the spatial extent of the excitatory (CRF) and inhibitory (nCRF) areas, we examined the spatial summation properties of 153 neurons in cat V1 at high (20-80%) and low (5-15%) contrast. Based on the differences in contrast dependency of surround suppression, the V1 neurons were classified into three categories. Our results revealed that size of CRF and nCRF were different between the three categories. It is shown that the type II cells have significantly larger CRFs and nCRFs than those of type I cells, and the CRFs of type III cells were the largest among the three categories, but the difference between type II and type III was not significant. Furthermore, the three categories also differ in the proportion of simple cells to complex cells, there were more complex cells than simple cells, in comparison, more simple cells were found in the type III cells.

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